About the Molecular and Translational Imaging Laboratory

Our laboratory focuses on translational imaging, with emphasis on molecular imaging technologies such as positron emission tomography and optical imaging. Translational imaging is aimed at transferring (“translating”) research imaging methodologies to the clinic and human use. This requires a multidisciplinary approach and our lab has developed several collaborations with clinicians and scientists.

Areas of active research include the development of new medical devices and techniques for performing high-resolution molecular imaging, implementation and validation of new image processing methods for improving data interpretation, and informatics. The current focus of these works is on improving the clinical management of oncologic and rheumatologic disorders. The lab also conducts a range of clinically-driven projects and trials in collaboration with physicians.

Imaging biomarkers (biologic features detected by imaging modalities) are revolutionizing our understanding of the human diseases. The goal of our lab is to push the limits of current imaging technologies and to evaluate them in humans.

Text from the Badawi Lab. See their website to learn more about the team's research: http://bme.ucdavis.edu/badawilab/